NDA Starts Maternity Project In Tolon District


NDA CEO, Dr. Alhassan Sulemana Anamzoya, with Salifu Saeed at the sod cutting ceremony

The Northern Development Authority (NDA) has cut sod for the
construction of a maternity ward for the people of Gbu Lahigu in the Tolon District
of the Northern Region.

The project forms part of the NDA’s Infrastructure Poverty
Eradication Program (IPEP).


The Northern, Upper East, Upper West, Savannah and North East
regions will all benefit from the NDA’s projects.

Some of the projects to be undertaken include roads, schools, CHPS
compounds, bridge, boreholes and hospitals.

The construction of the maternity ward at Gbu Lahigu is expected
to be completed within six months.

The NDA’s Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Dr. Alhassan Sulemana
Anamzoya, at the sod cutting ceremony of the Gbu Lahigu maternity ward said the
projects that would be rolled out by the NDA was intended to reduce poverty and
make life better for people in the five regions of the North.

According to the NDA CEO, President Akufo-Addo is committed to
ensure that poverty is eradicated or minimize for social balance.

“The next four to five months, northern Ghana will witness massive
infrastructural development,” he said.

He appealed to constructors to ensure that they do quality works
and met the deadline of six months and handover the projects to the NDA.

The Northern Regional Minister, Salifu Saeed, thanked the NDA CEO
on behalf of his fellow regional ministers for the implementation of the
developmental projects in their various regions.

He assured NDA that the various coordinating councils would
support the growth of the projects as well as monitoring contractors to ensure
there was value for money.

“We are not going to allow any contractor to do shoddy jobs, if
they want to be paid they should work according to the guidelines of the
project,” he said.

A nurse at the Gbu Lahigu CHPS compound, Fuseina Yakubu, told DAILY
that the construction of a maternity ward in the community would
reduce home deliveries and their attendant challenges.

In a related development, the NDA also cut sod for the
construction of a road and bridge at Kalegu and Jeji in the Nanumba North
District of the Northern Region.

FROM Eric Kombat, Tamale

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