Krobos Suspect Saboteurs In ECG Main Line Cut

Krobos Suspect Saboteurs In ECG Main Line Cut


A main distribution network pole of the Electricity Company of Ghana (ECG) at Okwenya junction, in the Yilo Krobo Municipality of the Eastern Region has been cut down.

Reports indicate that the criminal act was committed Thursday night where a suspected chainsaw machine was used to cut the electric power distribution pole.

The illegality has resulted in interruptions of power supply to some parts of the area.


Residents of Manya and Yilo Krobo Municipalities are fighting ECG and have been opposed to the installation of pre-payment meters in the areas.

Confirming the incident to journalists Assemblyman for Okwenya, Seth Tetteh said the saboteurs used a chainsaw machine, to cut one of the high tension lines from Akuse junction to Adukrom which passes through Akerley

Personnel of the ECG have visited the area to replace the pole to restore the power supply to the affected communities.

Some customers of ECG, according to authorities owe about GH¢168 million for about five years accumulated unpaid bills.

The customers are refusing to pay the bills under the excuse that the Akosombo dam is on the land and ECG has given them up to five years to settle their indebtedness.

This has resulted in most parts of both Manya and Yilo Krobo to be in darkness for almost two weeks after ECG cut the power supply to the two areas due to threats to their staff.


By Vincent Kubi



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